Anxious or Depressed? Adolescent girls

Anxious or Depressed? Adolescent girls

Submitted by: Lindsey Lane, Masters Student, Clinical Mental Health Counseling (Wake Forest University) Middle school and high school are times in a young adult’s life where everything feels new. They are learning to live in new bodies, feeling feelings they have...
Marriage maintenance

Marriage maintenance

With over 50% of marriages ending in divorce, let that statistic sit for a moment.  Marriage is hard, and most issues can be worked through; However,  it takes two adults who love each other and are committed to making their family whole again.  Many divorces are the...
Couples Counseling in Tampa

Couples Counseling in Tampa

All couples go through ups and downs.  How you handle the hard times directly reflects the outcome of your relationship.  I counsel many couples for a variety of reasons and they all have one thing in common; the desire to get through a challenge.  Whether you are...